- /VimhansWebImages/ProgramCourseImage/

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10/8/2022 1:18 PM 130468 department-of dietetics and nutrition-white.jpg
10/8/2022 1:18 PM 39219 department-of dietetics and nutrition.jpg
10/8/2022 1:18 PM 119526 department-of mental health nursing-white.jpg
10/8/2022 1:18 PM 36159 department-of mental health nursing.jpg
10/8/2022 1:18 PM 133177 department-of occupational therapy and rehabilitation-white.jpg
10/8/2022 1:18 PM 36861 department-of occupational therapy and rehabilitation.jpg
10/8/2022 1:18 PM 164812 department-of psychiatry-white.jpg
10/8/2022 1:18 PM 48768 department-of psychiatry.jpg
10/8/2022 1:18 PM 173376 department-of psychology-white.jpg
10/8/2022 1:18 PM 36514 department-of psychology.jpg
10/8/2022 1:18 PM 785829 department-of-mental-health-nursing-white.jpg
10/8/2022 1:18 PM 138922 department-of-mental-health-nursing.jpg
10/8/2022 1:18 PM 785829 department-of-psychology-white.jpg
10/8/2022 1:18 PM 153577 department-of-psychology.jpg